Lead: Katharina Nachbar
Team: Steven Blockmans, Hylke Dijkstra, Andrew Firmin, Dylan Macchiarini, Franziska Petri, Inés Pousadela, Amanda Pridmore, Thomas Sommerer, Sonya Sugrobova, Clara Weinhardt
Strategic communication is an integral aspect of ENSURED. One aspect of this will be our efforts to disseminate our findings and recommendations to various target audiences through events and publications like journal articles, policy reports, and briefs. But we will also be working to reach a diverse range of audiences and to engage with affected communities beyond the expert and policy circles, including civil society and youth organisations.
Our goal is to better understand the narratives that shape dominant views of global institutions, raise awareness about key global issues, inform about important developments at the global level, spark curiosity about global politics and institutions, and foster (more) informed debates on global governance and how it should be transformed. Following the principles of co-production and co-creation, we will seek feedback from different target groups to make sure that our outputs are relevant and accessible.